Thursday, May 03, 2007

shut me down and dream of where I haven't been

I really hope that Spain will set my currently frozen brain on fire. Not that my brain has ever been particularly en fuego, but at the moment, I'm feeling like I've got a Jordan Catalona-like vacant lot for a head. I will attempt to blog on my trip, but a lot depends on the state of my brain. My writing has slipped further into the uninspired category than usual, and I feel like I need to maybe shut up until I have something of worth to say.

So, instead, here's the 411 on my travel plans as of now:

    May 5th: leave the country!
    May 6th-9th: hang out in Frankfurt with W's family. Three days around two small anklebiters children should complete the destruction of my ability to form complete sentences or words longer than two syllables.
    May 9th-13th: Madrid, b*tches.
    May 13th-14th: hang out in Toledo, spend the night.
    May 14th: get to Cordoba, spend the night.
    May 15th: arrive in Sevilla, try not to get drunk off sangria the first evening.
    May 16th: Wait with baited breath for AL to show up! Actually, I might go to Jerez de la Frontera for the day to taste the sherries before AL arrives.
    May 17th: after hanging out in Sevilla for the day, get to Granada.
    May 18th-20th: Granada, Alhambra, yada yada yada.
    May 20th: fly out from Granada to Barcelona. SP meets up with us in Barcelona.
    May 21st-23rd: we reenact Three's Company and argue over which of us is Chrissy. AL flies out the 23rd.
    May 28th: back to life, back to reality.

And we don't have any hotel reservations in Barcelona as of now. Right now, it looks like we might try to grab an apartment, since SP & I will be there the whole week. I know it seems like I didn't budget my time properly, but I really do want to spend the longest leg of my trip in Barcelona. I have no doubt that I will adore all the other places we will go, but I need to stay somewhere urban for a while. The hustle and bustle have become my crack, which might explain why I have been off kilter since staying in EBF. Of course, everyone says Barcelona is filled with pickpockets and tomfoolery, so I suppose there are disadvantages to staying in the city. But whatevs.

I'm going to try to put a song of the week up before I leave tomorrow, but that might be it for the month of May, since I don't know what my internet situation is going to be in Spain. In the meantime, vaya con dios!

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