Friday, November 11, 2005

fading into beautiful light

I am woefully tardy in writing about this, but last Saturday, I was very generously extended an invitation to V & K's wedding reception. Wedding receptions, especially Indian ones, can some times be spectacles that are all style and little substance. In true V-style, there was a healthy dose of both style and substance at this wedding reception. And spicy Indian food that caused me to drink five glasses of water.

But, in all gravity, I felt a bit voyeuristic, because there were definitely people who knew V&K far better than me that were in attendance. Still, I think it is always a lucky thing to witness two people who are genuinely happy. I am pretty cynical, and I tend to think there are a lot of factors that can contribute to pulling people apart in life- there is entropy to consider, after all. But every factor in V&K's lives seems to have pulled them together. There is certainly not enough of that in this world.

This is the happy couple with one of their most honored guests. Unfortunately, because I was recovering from a cold, had much studying to do the next day, and am generally a lame old hag, I left the reception a bit early. As I drove home, there was a crescent moon cutting its slight sliver into the night sky. The sharpness of it caught my attention and distracted me from the bog-like odor that can often be smelled when crossing the Dumbarton Bridge. I like to think it was a sign of good things to come for V&K, and for everyone else too.

Of course, I am going to negate all the optimism and earnest happiness from last Saturday by spending this Saturday making fun of supersized turbans and cheesy dance numbers, courtesy of Paheli playing at The Castro, with a certain partner in crime. I'll still be happy, but I suspect I'll be chasing that happiness with a whole lot of sarcasm and eye rolling. Let me know if any of you plan to be there!

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