Thursday, September 22, 2005

my aim is true

Oh, dudes, I feel guilt. You know I love my iPod mini. It was my first, and it will always be significant to me, if for no other reason than that it plunged me into the world of iTunes and basic tech-competency regarding music (okay, I'm still pretty woeful in that regard). And I will never give up my iPod mini, for it is beautiful in its blue hue and plays the pretty music. All of that said, as of this afternoon, delicately at rest in its wee box, is a new, sleek black gadget. I could not help but gasp upon seeing it up close and personal. It is my new precious. Will my iPod mini feel I'm being unfaithful?

Here's some stuff I have learned from the idiot box television lately:
  • Desmond is the new Ethan Rom.
  • Ethan Rom has decided to play Ethan Rom, but on Threshold.
  • Walt is the new kid from The Shining that kept popping up all "REDRUM"-like.
  • There's something magnetic about Peter Dinklage.
  • Extras is coming! Finally, Ricky Gervase can be seen weekly on my TV, even though I don't get the Beeb. Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance.
I also like how I convince myself that I'm actually reading journal articles while watching TV. Suuuuuuurrrrre.

For the last thirty minutes, I have been trying to get a little peace and quiet in my office so I can write something vaguely coherent. Instead, coworkers have knocked on my door continuously with the classic, "Can I pick your brain for a minute?" So, now, my brain is picked as clean as a carcass by turkey vultures. Come to think of it, that's a good characterization of my coworkers. It's also a handy excuse for why this post is even more nonsensical than usual.

I made a momentous move yesterday, but it is sort of silly in the scheme of things. Just as life is getting so hectic that I really wonder whether I should continue to blog, I confessed to my friend B, from my pre-blogging existence, that I have been engaging in this self-absorption fiesta. Instead of sending the men with the straitjackets, she was surprisingly understanding about it. I still do not know if I will ever tell everyone I know about this. B is a particularly non-judgmental person; it is not a random coincidence that I unleashed the blog on her before anyone else. But B, if you're reading this, thanks.

And thanks to everyone who has wished well to my family in Houston. They have driven as far as Katy, and are stopping there for the timebeing. If the highways get a little less congested, they may try to get out to Austin. If not, Katy will hopefully suffice. It's a very, very mad world, it seems.

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