Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I'm on a plain

The rain will not relent, and this is bad news. It is supposed to go through the weekend, and this is cause for much grumbling. I had to leave the house at 7 today to get to an 8 o'clock meeting, and that is silly, since I live less than 10 miles away from work. But when I got to work, there was a primo zen moment awaiting me, in the form of a note from security:
    Your office was found opened, but closed.

When I showed the note to RR, he said, "I think this is actually a commentary on you." Sadly, I know what neither of those statements means. I am trying to figure out if they are nonsensical, or actually so deep that they successfully broke my brain. Not that it would take much, right now.

Everything else I want to write about right now involves screaming at the tech support guy at work who keeps f***ing up my laptop worse than it was when I first handed it to him, and frantic anxiety-ridden panic regarding things I need to get done. In other words- boring. Hopefully, something of substance will actually show up on here this week. But, given my track record this week, don't hold your breath.

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